


15 years old


  • Hello Winter

    Hello Winter,

    I see you through the light

    peaking through my curtains.

    Your white blankets every living thing. 


    But Winter,

    When will you comfort me,

    Wrap me up like a present,

  • i'll stay forever

    Every day, I sit and stare

    at you talking about what others consider nonsense. 

    I'd call you a wordsmith,

    Staged-like words flowing off the tip of your tongue. 


    I hunch in the corner of the group,

  • time and time again

    my heart was ripped apart in seconds

    and it only took a few hours to be stitched up again.

    those stitches won't stay

    just like I know you won't.

    you leave the conversations like deer,

  • the key to me

    my heart is locked,

    and i'm keeping it for you. 

    the chain wrapped around it

    still remains from the last time

    it shattered. 


    i build up my mountains,

    and my defenses in my mind.
