
Four corners set each way, 
And I still sit in the box. 
The left could sin me, 
Right could win me, 
Front or back could block. 
I could become a famous tool, 
Or infamously triumph, 
So many ways that this could go, 
Yet I’ve still saved the bad stuff. 
Left could lead me to danger, 
Right could let me starve,
Rear one and two could half and half,
One knife or one cigar.
I don’t think I should waiver,
This life on a who knows,
Thus I may just be safer,
Sitting on my toes.
Four corners set each way,
And I still sit in the box.
I could choose,
But I have not.







19 years old

More by idbailey23

  • Onward

    Move onwardly,

    My dear,

    Daring to caress the further is worth nothing,

    If not understood first. 

    So dream abruptly,

    Do not fall asleep as if it were welcomed,

    But let it frighten your soul.

  • Forgiving Sadness

    There is a quiet now that was not before,

    Not a quiet in the sounds I hear but a quiet in the mind.

    A quiet that only came after the screams.

    Those screams although painful were necessary,

  • I

    Who am I if not you?

    What smile would I wear if not yours,

    What name would I bear if you had not said it so,

    Which questions would I ask if not for your answering,

    Which colors would I crave?