Despite it/Resilience

Hold up your chin 'cause you're still you —

somehow, someway, someday — you will be you,

and maybe that's a miracle unto itself, to be a collection of who you have been and who you will be, not mathematically, because you are surely more than the sum of your pieces.

Despite it all, you still stand, still breathe, still are

so anyone who says magic is a hoax is lying, you are magic in its purest form, because you are still you

you're the little kid who skipped down the pavement

you're the to-be adult who doesn't feel like one because part of you is still six, and that's beautiful, isn't it?

to be everything? 

to be able to spin your past/future/current selves into paintings and prose 'cause nothing is as genuine as art, nothing screams the(your) truth quite so loud?

to be one in a billion, one of an unimaginable number of lives led, probability wheels spun, and yet somehow you are the only version of you?

there's a universe of possibilities, and yet you are still yourself

and really,

that's enough




15 years old

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