The door

One day when Ethan, Dave, and Mickey were exploring in the woods, they found a note. They read it and it said for them to go to these coordinates. They went home and looked them up to find the location. 

The next day they went there and saw a door with no wall. It was just a door in the middle of the woods. Ethan and Mickey wanted to open the door to see what it was, but Dave wanted to look nearby to see if there were any other notes. So Dave, Ethan, and Mickey went to go find if there are any other notes. Dave went behind a tree and he just happened to look and saw another note, it said, “Open the door if you wish, but there may be consequences.” 

After that note they were a little spooked, but Ethan and Mickey were still wanting to open the door. They did and Dave was the smart one because he stayed back. He knew that if he went with Mickey and Ethan, something bad would happen to them. A couple of hours later, Ethan and Mickey came out of the door and Ethan and Mickey didn’t realize that they looked completely different. They were also some type of animal. Ethan and Mickey became one and now they will not be able to leave each other. 

Dave was the one who had to bring them both home because they couldn’t drive. They got home and Ethan and Mickey's family were shocked. They had to decide what to do. They decided that every week that they would have to see their families. They were fine with it, but eventually it did get annoying. They couldn’t do anything and couldn’t go anywhere. One year later they were both dead because of the curse. It taught Dave a lesson not to do stupid things.




18 years old

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