Fall Broke My Heart

Fall broke my heart 

Yet I still come back to it 

It loved me 

Until I was 14 

Then fall yelled at me to grow up

That I was too old to enjoy the candy 

Or the costumes 

No one ever  told me our childhood would be stepped on and ripped up 

Like a red leaf turned brown 
The pumpkin patch turned into “I don't have enough time mom” 

The corn maze turned into a smaller version of my mind 

A maze, even older me can't even dream of escaping

I still like to believe Halloween is my favorite holiday 

Because for the longest time, that was always my answer when people asked

Then it broke me 

Like skin to glass

It turned me to the word and said “this is your reality, now go off and be brave” 

I peddled forward a few steps then ran back 

Banging on the invisible line 

that separated my entire childhood 

For fall was when I knew, my childhood had expired 




17 years old

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