
I've never been much of a fighter.

I take hits like glass takes baseballs

like fire takes to rain.

Glass breaks and fire goes out.

I've never been much of a fighter.

A retaliator, resister

an attempt more than success at stopping myself from being broken.

I will break, inevitably. Too much at too young an age.

I've never been much of a fighter.

But glass gives baseballs cuts too

and fire makes rain sizzle,

evaporate into vapor again.

An attempt is better than nothing at all, 

a scratch is better than no blood at all,

trying when there is reason to is better than accepting what has not been solidified.

Take a hammer to what has.

I've never been much of a fighter,

a revolutionary maybe but never a fighter.

But glass bites back when its broken,

and fire burns bright in a final stand against water

I may go out eventually, I may be shattered on the floor

but my damage has been done.

I've never been much of a fighter.

Posted in response to the challenge Human Rights – Writing.



15 years old

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