Finding Friends and Surviving School in Seven Steps

step one. 
Feel the vibe. When you first walk into that room of so many people, look for someone who gives off good feels, and isn't in a huge group of kids. A smile, a quick gaze in your direction, or someone absorbed in a good book.
Step two
Sit next to them. No need to rush into things. Give them a smile, a nod. Ask for a pencile sharpener. Let them know your there, but if they do or say somthing you don't like, you have time to go elsewhere.
Step three
Ask them a question. Whats the page number? What time is this class over? Have you had this teacher before? They may start a conversation with you. They may just answer the question. If they give a small smile or think about the question before answering. Thats a good sign. If they quick to push the answer and turn away. try again with someone new.
Step four 
You can say somthing funny or give a complement. Don't make it to long. comment on the teacher, 'wow those eyebrows!' or give a complememnt, 'I love your sneakers.' Let them know your fun or kind, put them at ease. 
Step five
You don't have to stick with the same person who you just talked to. you can repeat steps 1-4 with many people, then go back for a round two. See you who still rememebers you and strike up a converstation about class or school, or anthing else you like.
Step Six
Once you start to talk to different people, they'll start to relize how awesome you are. Then take those induviduals and bring them all together. Either in the hallway, or at lunch, or during group work. Introduce your new aquantences to each other, see how they react to one another, chances are they will be cool with the new people
Step Seven
Have fun! Starting in a new place can be difficult, but there is no need to panick! You are awesome, and once you find your small but mightly first friends, you can branch out from there. Remember to just be you!



YWP Alumni Advisor

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