
We drew in the dirt,
putting together letters
and making a code.
Our friendship was forged
in spit on the dirt
beneath 'Our Tree'
in the hole that was dug
by some fifth-graders
last year.
We made inside jokes
when we sat in the side yard
watching pedestrians pass by,
and scattering the ground
in forgotten Goldfish
we danced to our own singing
and created music on the ukulele.
We tried our hand
at writing a book
and left it forgotten halfway through.
We sat at sleepovers
exchanging secrets in the dark
and giggling as we stayed up past midnight.
We agreed
to let nothing come between us
and nothing has.

This poem is for my friends. COVID-19 has caused a little freak out between us, but I promise nothing will break us.




15 years old

More by EverlastingWaves

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