Future Dictations from Dr Ikco #90

Prompt: You get a letter from someone who claims to be you from a different dimension. What does it say?

    (Please note this letter is written via voice dictation- anything the writer says will be typed out. DO not be alarmed- Beta Team 01732

...Is it on. no? Now? Don't eat my sandwich this will only take- Ah! Red button. Ok ready to record? Everyone? Goo- NO SANDWHICH EATING! -Ok. Go! 

Ehhem. This is E-letter 6736. Date May 13, Time 13:43. Beta experimental group 4.
Dear person who receives this letter. Please do not panic! 
I, am from the future.

My name is Dr Ikco and I am talking- er-writing to you as part of experiment 009. We, the lab and such, are trying to communicate with past generations to give you tips, and advice on how to maybe change the course of history so your future- our present- will be a better past.
Make sense? Cool. 
Since this is only a test letter I won't bore you with the current- future- details of the world problems, I'm sure you have your own... lets see what DO I remember from the 21st century...
    Social movements (you mostly succeeded in that one, luckily),  technology issues (has the iphone turned to an xpod yet?) climate change (please, try harder) the 2020 pandemic (man doesn't THAT take up half a history text book) and most importantly finding out that cheetos boosts your immune system and is healthier than vegetables! (thank me later.)
    Its around the middle of the 22nd century, I can not tell you the exact date for communication reasons, but lets just say the world does in fact continue- to put you in the piece of mind. 
    Now, how is the future? There are regular vacations to the moon now-a-days, quite beautiful up there, and very quit. Also most of our food is grown in large warehouses because the soil quality is so so bad (Ehhem...hint hint). Most epically however is: tik-tok dances has made a comeback! I'm sure you all are thrilled about that. I am!
    Du du Dooo. Renegade, and clap... and clap... tap tap tap tap with the-
    OH ITS STILL RECORDING, Fido how do I- Yes. I did. OH got it. 
    Well. Anyway. I must keep this letter short, and quite frankly I have written too much and way too informally, but considering this is only test number 90 I do not expect this to actually arrive in the targeted past of 2000 (all the other E-letters get incinerated somewhere around 2020, you really need to get the stratosphere under control, haven't you heard of climate change science yet?) 
    If this letter, by some miracle, does happen to reach you- I suppose I apologize for the informal voice and my over enthusiastic tone. I am listening to AKpop music and the song Ajfkdhsjd just came on.  Oh I suppose you haven't yet experienced African-Korean pop music and the likes of Dustin Bieber yet. Very popular fellow, his great great grandfather might be in your era? Ah, here I go rambling again. I must wrap this up!
    In short do not be frightened with our contacting you! Everything in the future is ok, for the most part, don't ask details. If you DO receive this message please follow the instructions below to notify our team that this has in fact worked, (after you have fainted and woken up and fainted again, or however you deal with stress). The future of the world and the soul of humanity lives on to achieve bigger and better things! We'd just like to get in touch to do even bigger... and greater things... and maybe work on the whole be-kind-to-you-neighbor, everyone vote, wear a mask thing- but hey, with progress comes struggles before rewards.
Best Health and Hope to you all
Signed Dr Ikco

OK! I am finished. I'm done. I'm so hungry you didn't eat the sandwich right? Wai- hey! -fine. oke well- How do I turn this off? Is it- no. AH! there- cool so come with- yes and- good.

Wow, Fido imagine if this actually reached the 21st era? I bet I gave everyone such hope!

OH its still recording. Um. Oh here- not thats-why- wait... yes I did that and... Oh I see. Ok. Well. This is test 009 over and out!



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