One time I was being chased by these men who were trying to kidnap me. I ran to a cliff and decided to jump so they couldn't get to me but I was going to die. As I got closer to the ground, I started to see this angel appear. It caught me and saved me. Apparently, it was my guardian angel who had saved me.
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It was Unbelievable
What people said was unbelievable
I thought it was unachievable
I was so unspeakable
When I saw it was reachable
People kept being very disagreeable
But I was very peaceable
Fever Dream
Have you ever had that same dream when you are sick or something and you are in a wierd place? If so, thats a fever dream. They occur when you're sick and no one really knows why. -
I walked down my hallway and saw this door that my dad told me to never go through. The door was peeped open and I figured it wouldn't hurt to just take a quick look, so I did. I looked through and it was a portal.
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