Hazy Night

Listening to the whispering breeze, 

I watch shadows engulf the trees. 

The moon is nowhere to be seen, 

As the stars start to flicker green, 

A warning that nothing is as it seems.

Not even the snow gleams-

In the gentle starlight as it once did. 

The fog wraps itself around the land, 

Making it harder to see through the haze. 

The shadowy trees create an intricate maze-

One that not even an immortal can stand. 

All is as silent as the deceased while the night goes on, 

The wind picks up its dance as clouds roll ahead. 

I cannot remember all that has been said,

But some claim winter is the season of the dead. 

As not even the always raging bodies of water

Make a single sound, as winter freezes the land. 

Casting the snow to be as fragile as glass sand. 



16 years old

More by Writer1326

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    Losing someone you love,

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  • Untitled?

    When the chaos of the day 

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    and the serenity of night descends, 

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  • Intertwined

    When only the stars shine,

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