
I think for a lot of people it’s difficult knowing we don’t know what's out there, that we don’t know everything. We don’t know all of the ocean, and we certainly don’t know everything, or barely anything in our universe, or in our solar system, or in other planets, or in ours. I think that everything repeats. I think that we’ve been through this millions of times before. My best guess is that there have been suns before and planets and everything small in between that. I think we predict the sun will explode but I think it has before. I think that the sun blowing up will create a black hole sucking everything in including us. Everything will be gone. After the black hole sucks everything in, it creates the big bang. So every star, tree, and shoe will be erased and destroyed but then new shoes and new trees will eventually be remade. Maybe it won’t be the exact same. maybe it will be better or worse. Maybe this universe will not invent shoes. As for how this loop started, no clue. Something had to start it and get it going. Honestly, if I were to guess how it got started, my guess would be someone, somewhere made a very little mistake, that turned into something very very big. That mistake led us to the world we live in now.




19 years old

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