Her Highness Orders Her Favorite Meal

Half a turkey burger

add cheese

I want salad and fries

plus ketchup

and a cup of buttered noodles

because why should I have to choose

are you writing this down?

A drink, yes

your finest Shirley temple please

on the rocks

extra cherries

and for dessert

your most unique and enticing cake 

I do not want to have eaten it before thank you

no, of course I'm not paying

I'm only eight


excuse me

this is not my meal

this is what the girl across me ordered

the one who studied the menu looking for 


the one who looks older and tired

the bland salmon and green beans are hers

not mine

I think you wrote it down wrong


no, you are mistaken

I have perfected my royal order too well

for that to be a mirror.



16 years old

More by GertietheGremlin