
what if home is an abstract concept ?


maybe sometimes it looks like something


maybe sometimes it doesn't


but they both have meanings even if you can't see .


home can be a place


it can be obvious,, and seen.


it can be tall and lean.


and can be short and stub.


on the outside it can be nice,, colorful and kind,, warm and inviting .


but sometimes,, just maybe,, behind the color is something deep,, dark and scary .


that's why sometimes home can be a person .


sometimes it can be a warm person,, soft and neat .


sometimes it can be a harsh person,, sharp and mean .


but any person can feel like a home to anyone


the fear can wash away,, the fear can go away .


and they feel safe .


sometimes home can even be an event that happens only once a year .


maybe a family gathering


maybe christmas,, thanksgiving,, who knows .


sometimes people lay low during things like that


but others laugh openly and talk openly


because they feel at home .


safe and sound .


anything can be a home if you put your mind to it


anything sweet as can be .


anything that makes your heart beat .


anything that radiates love



13 years old

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