How the sky cries

The sky cries

with rain.


The sky snows for every whispered secret

from under thick blankets

in the dark

for the kid in everyone

that finds joy

the sky hugs with snow.


The sky shines rays of sun for easy giggles

at new jokes and old ones

from lunch tables that aren't too loud

from best friends hugging

the sky laughs with sunshine.


The sky fills with fog for the teenagers curled in bed

deep into midnight

too tired to stay


to awake to fall


it curls fog for the in between

of then and now

the sky sighs with fog.


But the sky cries with rain

it cries for the wars

it cries for the heartbreak

it cries for everything

that has every been hard

it cries in an effort to wash

it all away.


When the sky cries it crumples

and falls

to the ground collapses

trying to wash away everything

it cries

it falls

it tries

it fails

but not totally.


The sky cries

and it makes everything new

if it's better

or not.

Posted in response to the challenge Sky.



13 years old

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