
I wait for inspiration

To strike me while I think.

I wait for a lightbulb

Or a thought bubble

Or lightning.

I wait for those ideas

I know I have to have

Locked somewhere in the back of my brain

Where my brilliance has yet to pass.

I sit there with my pencil in hand

Staring at the blank page before me.

My thoughts, once a storm in my head

Are now as silent as can be.

So I sit there and I wait

For certain inspiration.

It's inevitable, I think

For me to think of something.

I stare at the beauty of the straight, empty lines;

I ought to fill them up, but I never had the time.

Now, when at last I've caught a single moment of peace,

My brain is super empty

And my lodged ideas won't be set free.

I think of random things, hoping to get started.

Prompts Google gives me

I've left totally uncharted.

I sigh and pinch my nose in frustration;

Won't you hurry up, inspiration?



13 years old

More by QueenBee

  • Doubletime

    And then there were two.

    Two hearts, two stories.

    Two lives intertwined.


    Two angry auras

    Flushed with the blue of sadness

    And the hue of love, at the edge

    Out of the way

    Out of reach.

  • Sick Day

    For me there is no greater frustration in the world 

    Than being sick. 

    It's a hindrance to your life. 

    It gets in the way. 

    Whether a cold, a fever 

    Strep throat or even COVID