I wait for inspiration
To strike me while I think.
I wait for a lightbulb
Or a thought bubble
Or lightning.
I wait for those ideas
I know I have to have
Locked somewhere in the back of my brain
Where my brilliance has yet to pass.
I sit there with my pencil in hand
Staring at the blank page before me.
My thoughts, once a storm in my head
Are now as silent as can be.
So I sit there and I wait
For certain inspiration.
It's inevitable, I think
For me to think of something.
I stare at the beauty of the straight, empty lines;
I ought to fill them up, but I never had the time.
Now, when at last I've caught a single moment of peace,
My brain is super empty
And my lodged ideas won't be set free.
I think of random things, hoping to get started.
Prompts Google gives me
I've left totally uncharted.
I sigh and pinch my nose in frustration;
Won't you hurry up, inspiration?
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