I find it interesting that internal bleeding can be so deadly
Because you don’t even know
Until it’s often too late
No one pays attention to your symptoms
Because they don’t see the blood rushing through your figures
They don’t see the silent killer
They don’t see how a piece of you dies every day
And they don’t understand the pain
Like they would if you had a cut
They don’t see that you are slowly running out of blood
They don’t know how it’s their fault you are fading away
They don’t know the wounds they caused
They just see the outside
And they think they know you
Because they know what you show
But they don’t notice how your smile fades away
Every day it gets a little more forced
They don’t notice how your laugh has changed
How you’re eyes are often tearstained
How your bathroom breaks got longer
So you could cry in the stall
They say they know you
But they know the part of you that barely ever bleeds
Recently inside the blood has been a steady stream
They don’t know how you long to be the person they know
So you don’t have to fake it anymore
They don’t know how their love was like a knife
How it got settled in your heart
Before it ripped away your insides
You don’t even know it was them
Because they are so kind
And so good to you
You don’t notice the knife
And you don’t notice how they are keeping you away
From the help that you needed
So when you let them go
And let the help in
You realize a simple issue
That could easily be fixed
Now needs surgery
To repair the damage
All because they told you it was just a stomach ache
Posted in response to the challenge PAST CONTESTS: Spring '24: Writing Contest.
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