A Letter to the Grownups
It's not all the grownups,
But it's too many.
Nothing is how it should be.
The world is heating.
The government collapsing.
Yet we,
We are only overreacting.
Today I've walked around school in a haze
I don't know what to do
How to feel
I don't understand
How he won again
I don't think I want to understand
I miss Halloween
Not because it changed
But I did
I miss going with my parents and my brother
And stuffing my face with candy
I miss meticulously planning out a costume
The Season of Death
Death reaches his hands
Shrivels leaves
Rips them up
Soon the ghosts and ghouls will scream
They've waited all year for Halloween
But this death is not a scary thought
In fact it's comforting
My love lies in the chilly air
I’ve always loved the autumn
Costumes and candy on halloween
Turkey and family on thanksgiving
Bright colors and cute clothes
The season gave me joy,
But as i grew up it gave peace
To the little girl with big dreams
I wish the sun always shone
But never burned your skin
And that when it is snowing
The cold never nips
I wish all your tears were happy
And you never knew grief
But I know none of this is true
Most Likely
Most likely to
While sitting down
Most likely to
Without making a sound
Most likely to
So nobody cries
Dear America
Dear America,
The dictionary definition of democracy is
government by the people
Basically everyone gets a choice
A say
But is this country
Influencing that
In everyday life
Blind the jury. Blind the voters.
Wrap white fabric over their eyes, stuff white cotton in their ears. Make them as blind and deaf as Justice herself.
Not Quite What I Imagined
I always dreamed that my life would be like it is in books.
Little did I know that would later come true.
It’s not quite what I imagined, though. -
My True Home, Vermont
Being a Vermonter is spending six months of the year wearing a jacket.
Being a Vermonter is running outside in nothing but leggings and a sweater, thinking it’s springtime when it hits 47 degrees.
The Law That Ruins Lives
I'm 13 years old
I have literally watched
States make it illegal
To get abortion
Most of the people
Making and signing
The laws
Are men
Last time I checked