


14 years old


  • The Season of Death

    Death reaches his hands

    Shrivels leaves

    Rips them up

    Soon the ghosts and ghouls will scream

    They've waited all year for Halloween

     But this death is not a scary thought

    In fact it's comforting

  • Moderation

    To live is to die

    To laugh is to know what it feels like to cry

    To try is to fail

    To have friends is to have enemies as well

    The good does not stand alone

    But neither does bad

    There is no ying without yang

  • What’s in a name?


    “The bringer of joy”

    That doesn’t quite feel right

    I’ve been told my smile lights up the room

    But who am I to believe that my existence would be the pinnacle of bright?

    And maybe that is the catch
