Storm Window (Election night) — Nov. 5
The screen in my window’s still down —
no wonder it’s so cold up here.
You’d think I’d know better, a house this old, this time of year.
And here I thought I shivered for the stress,
Little Things
It’s getting hard to tell apart
My head from hell,
My melting heart:
A puddle on my driveway,
A stain upon my shirt.
Please just run away —
I don’t want you getting hurt.
My Faith
I’ve never been religious much —
My Faith is in the trees.
The sort of Lord I worship flies among the Bumblebees.
And my idea of Heaven is buried ‘neath Her leaves —
Slaughter Day — Nov. 6
I didn’t get out of bed this morning for twenty minutes
Lying in the dark in hopeful ignorance
Then I see my mother in the hall and I’m six years old again —
She has bad news —
A Bridge
I think I live upon a bridge
I’m too afraid to cross.
I’ve set up camp for the time being
(Now so much time’s been lost.)
The water’s too far down to drink
And the fish are out of reach.
I Have a Secret
I have a secret
It’s getting harder to hide
I love you so much
It hurts inside
I have a secretWhen I
Hear you talk
About your distant
I feel lost and sad and…
at home on a winter's night
The thick night cloaks everything and the snow follows suit
a delicate dance, welcome
after two years of rainy Decembers.
My room is cold even though
the heat is blasting, so I sit
Chasing Amazing Things
She wanted amazing things
so she ran towards the sunset
thinking she could grasp the shining light in her hands
and hold it forever
She found herself on a cliff
The Beating Heart of the Universe
I would like to hope
That before there was a sky
Bleeding stars,
Before there were planets
Polluted with creation,
That there was still the beating heart
Thinking About You
I never thought about you in the daytime
When the sun spread like melted butter over the dwindling
Blueberry bushes.
I’d scavenge with them