January 2nd, 2024

I let the phone ring when he calls;

He’s done enough wrong today.

There’s a moment of silence,

Broken by the fourth FaceTime call.


I’m tired of the ringing;

I answer.

“What’s wrong with you?” He asks, frustrated. 

That’s it.

I snapped. I shattered.

“No, you don’t get to ask me that.” I laughed—

That’s when you know I’m really upset. 

“What do you mean?! I called you four times and you didn’t answer!” He retorts, annoyed.


“I spent the whole day trying to be there for you. I waited two hours for you because you were late. And then you got here—and then you got here—and you acted like s**t!”

I burst into tears, barely finishing my sentence.


Dad walks in the room, and I still remember the worried expression on his face. 

“Don’t you dare hang up. I’m not done yet,” I exclaim, barely holding it together, broken and shattered. 

I put the phone on mute.


“Sweetie, what’s wrong?” Dad asks.

“He needs to know that it’s not okay—he needs to know—he can’t do that—again,” I say between sobs.

No, it wasn’t the pretty crying, not the little tears that fall down your face;

Full on sobbing,

Tears and a bloody nose from the mental breakdown.

“I’m proud of you for that,” Dad says as he closes the door.

I hang up on him.


(and no, the '2024' was not a typo, this happened on January 2nd, 2024.)



14 years old

More by Lulu_D

  • Accepting the Truth

    The hardest part


    Noticing the signs

    Hoping they won’t notice the way they hurt you

    Knowing they don’t care

    Leaving first

    Telling yourself to move on

  • Insanity

    To remember

    Is to live in the past

    Unable to forget

    The wonder and happiness

    That emerged from the darkness


    To remember

    Is insanity

    To do the same thing repeatedly

  • Someday I'll Be Okay

    I can’t pretend anymore

    I’m not okay,

    I’ve never been okay

    And I don’t think I’ll ever be okay


    But every day I’m trying

    Every day I’m learning to love the flaws he hated

    Every day I’m writing