Keeping My Promise

I promised you I would always stay,

swore on a bond I thought would never break.

Then came a time everything conflict

but I meant every word, every bit of it.

I can still remember myself say

that I’m with you, all the way.


I held on so tightly, refusing to let go,

My heart cracked wildly with every push-pull.

I found myself drowning in all that I know,

but I’m not one for giving up. No, I stay faithful...

I do everything that I can to lift you up.

I give anything without ever planning to stop.


Then for a moment, when I’m left alone with my dreams,

a voice pipes up asking, what about these?

And what about 



I march and stagger onward, far under the stars

carrying the weight of two broken, battered relationships

and a big heavy heart that’s covered in scars.

Who ever knew it would come to this?


Vengeful memories haunt me in the night

and I pray all this pain and suffering will finally subside,

yet for you I’ll still stand strong.

Even worn out, I’ll keep holding on.

Yes I’ll burn alight

In hopes of winning your fight.



16 years old

More by JayJay

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    I know I’m crying,

    but that’s normal.


    I’m just fine.

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  • The Bears are COMING

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    in such dry weather,

    I go out to get wood,

    the cold biting my skin.


    I wear gloves to prevent splinter 

    made of fine, durable, and tough leather,

  • Go Ahead

    Hurt me a in million ways,

    and shatter my heart,

    then send me away

    with an open scar.


    Pull me in close,

    then rip us apart.

    Kill all my hopes

    to get what you want.