In Knowing You, For But a Moment

On the porch, with grooves of woven twine 
embedded into the underbelly of my thighs, 
I sit and listen intently for you. My ears perked, 
with unruly fire-streaked hair tucked behind them, 
infinite strands poking out bushily. I would rather 
you be candid than burdened by invisibility, 
yet I have known of your presence to be more 
than that of an apparition. In listening,

I hear homely whistles calling the dogs 
into suburban homes, motorcycles carelessly 
hovering above the pavement, and you, 
dear creature, fated girl, unburied name, 
I know you. In knowing you, I feel a touch 
upon my cheek, so graceful even in the 
awkwardness of unknown dimensional planes.

On my skin, you bless me with a gravesite 
of thoughts, visions, lullabies, nostalgia, and newness. 
As if you are present, I lean in with full faith 
to meet plushness, in belief there would be lips to kiss, 
yet I am met with loss. A figment of a breath 
more silent than the numbing grief of a lover’s shadow.

I pray, even godless I pray, I pray for your return, 
and our rejoicing to be forevermore. For but a moment 
with you on the porch, to allow my calloused bedrock 
fingertips to be softened by your healing brown hair.

Sawyer Fell


18 years old

More by Sawyer Fell