I need to write.
God, do I.
It's been days, with no click of the keys
to write out simple stories, poems, words
things that will never see the light of day
but I still love.
Happiness is writing, but I hate
everything I write
Can hate be happy?
Can love and hate cross the line
to fear?
Love is an opposite,
not to hate
but Fear
Am I afraid of the thing I love?
Can I truly love it if I am?
Can I truly hate it?
I don't know. At least I'm writing.
At least the sentences spill,
they're not cohesive, collective
It's not poetry, it's just words.
A story in a made up sense
formatted to make it look poetic
I hate writing
I love writing
I fear writing
A paradox
I cannot do all three
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