To the little girl with big dreams

I wish the sun always shone

But never burned your skin

And that when it is snowing

The cold never nips

I wish all your tears were happy 

And you never knew grief

But I know none of this is true

Because dear, 

You are me

You don't know it yet,

What your life will bring

And neither do I,

But I can't wait and see

But I know you've laughed

Cried for joy and for pain,

I know your ambitious 

Have hopes and have dreams

I know you're indecisive,

But that is okay,

For you have so much time to decide what path you will pave

I don't what who you will become,

But I know who you are,

Better than I know myself 

Because you are me,

Simply not as burdened

I carry you everywhere

Every step that I take,

And you don't know it yet,

But you'll be okay.



14 years old

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