The Longest Distance

I love you,” I tell you as I rest my head on my pillow 




For that physical connection I long for as you’re in your bed 

And I’m in mine 


I want to be close to you 

I want to hold you 

I want to love you 

In more ways than words can carry 


I think about you a lot y’know 

I think about how good we are and how great we can be together 

I want us to last forever 

I never want to come down from this high 


With you, everything lasts longer 
Everything feels lighter 

And I feel like I can be myself and not hide behind some mask like how I do with others 


But we’re being stopped 

The touch 

The notes 

The dates 

The Everything 


All because of this distance 

Those hours away 

You’re halfway across the world 

I’m 14 and you’re 15 

But I want to be with you for as long as I live 



13 years old

More by ezzy.66

  • A Silent Song

    Tell me you love me, that you will never let me go 

    Treat me like you’ve found me after I was lost in the snow 

    Put me on a pedestal like we are in a show 


  • Mi Familia

    I’ve been getting unreasonably upset recently 

    I don’t know what's wrong with me 

    Everything comes out as a silent plea