Losing Someone

Losing someone you love,

hollows out a part of you.

One day, you have them,

and the next,

you’ll never see them again.

The realization stings,

worse than the sun's engulfing hug.

Worries begin to pile in your mind,

and only the moon will listen,

as you can only speak them aloud at night.

In the safety and comfort of the starlight.



16 years old

More by Writer1326

  • In All Eyes

    And as summer leaves,
    Fall sings through the breeze.
    Flowers start to wilt,
    As the world tilts.
    Even as it dies,
    Nature is beautiful in all eyes.

  • Fall’s Reminder

    The stars begin to realign,

    Opening new doors,

    As summer starts to resign.

    With whispers of love anew,

    Fall changes what we once knew.

    Bringing us a new gentleness.

    One made out of love,

  • Golden Illusion

    Fell in love with a golden illusion.

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    Everything felt right.

    The warmth of sun kissing skin,

    The reassurance of night,

    The ease brought by a breeze.