The March On

Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Wonder if you see the battle march

in every step I stride.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Hope you don't catch resentful rage

hiding in my gaze.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Hope you don't see the bitter pain in my eyes.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine,

trying not the show the hurt.

Can’t let them know how the memories bind

and haunt me in the night

'cause it's best for you I keep it all inside.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Know there's nothing else that matters

than what's on the outside.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine,

stifle every judging word

that burns within my mind.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

All your words now feel like lies

and my trust is now broken.


Don't believe anything they say.

Count all the times you’ve been betrayed.

Watch, as they fumble once again.

Breaking, promises they can’t defend.

And I see it's time

to give up hope

and close 




Let go,

just let go.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Swallow all the sorrow,

toughen up this heart of mine.


Pretend I am alright,

act like I’m just fine.

Reminding me that you don't care

is what brings me true despair,

and is what’s numbing me inside.



16 years old

More by JayJay

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  • Stuffies

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