
I am the one who once helped out in the kitchen and was let help do the dishes breaking the ice on a trend of helping out in the kitchen, which everyone loves to do. I am the one that persevered through 7 years of school being one of the most chill kids in my class.  And I am the one that persevered through that one boring day were when I was helping babysit with my grandma and my grandpa would not come pick me up. I am the one who earned a dedicated line in the deacons annual meeting report reading, “we are humbled by the contributions of Jr. deacon Wyatt Moyer!”  and got a standing ovation with a few whoops and cheers and whistles sprinkled in between. I am the one that took the challenge to work with the slowly dwindling tech team at the church, bringing my young perspective to the mix. I am the one who has the biggest google drive in my class. (don’t really know if that’s an achievement or not but, whatever) I am the one who kept the sugarhouse from almost catching on fire. (there was a board up against the arch (the thing that lets all the hot smoke go out) and it was smoldering and I was the one who saw it) I am the one who is always dependable to keep a secret. 

Well, I can’t really think of anything else about me with the prompt I chose, so ya.




16 years old

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