Mermaids and Other Things I Miss About You

The science teacher showed your writing 

as an example in class today 

and even though 

he cut off the name, I knew 

it was you. 


The way you make your y's and f's 

hasn't changed 

since third grade, 

since us. 


I know every letter in the alphabet of you 

from secret messages 

we sent each other. 


I can picture you writing 

in your careful way 

how every letter is perfect 

neat and timid just like 




I told you that I thought 

your science writing was really good, 

I didn't say all the things I thought 

when I saw it,  

about mermaids that you drew and cut out 

and sent to me, 

about the song we wrote 

(mostly you) 

for the talent show, 

about the birthday presents you used to give, 

the best ever.


Maybe I don't get to care

because we're not really friends


but when I see you in the halls

I think about your neat-timid letters

and mermaids

and poetry

and homemade bread

and how I miss you.



13 years old

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