Mi Familia

I’ve been getting unreasonably upset recently 

I don’t know what's wrong with me 

Everything comes out as a silent plea 

Begging to be noticed, begging to be set free 


 Like my trust in them, both are too hard to restore

All of my thoughts are in a constant war 

I feel like I can’t breathe anymore 

1… 2… 3… 4… 5… 

Nothing seems to work 


Everything in my mind that happens when thinking about the unfairness of home 

I slowly begin to gloam 


I find it funny how my siblings also get everything else I don’t


They get my parents' attention and affection 

I’m always the infection 


They get more screen time 

I’m always the mime 


They get everything they could ever ask for 

I get held back and ignored



13 years old

More by ezzy.66

  • A Silent Song

    Tell me you love me, that you will never let me go 

    Treat me like you’ve found me after I was lost in the snow 

    Put me on a pedestal like we are in a show