I don't wish to go to paradise because I fear I'd be alone
Not alone exactly, but how can an afterlife be perfect for one without one being alone with the false fabrications of those they wanted to keep?
Leap into death only to find caricatures of the characters in your life?
No, I find Heaven in the way you smile, pure and warm and unreplicable
No, I find Jannah in the warmth of your arms, that can never be replaced
No, I find Elysium in the beauty of the sun that shines within you
and if I could take you with me to the gates, to the gardens, to the islands, I would want to go to paradise.
But I fear, if I go before you, I will lose you. And if you go before me, the same.
I do not wish to lose you, not yet, instead I want to lay next to you as you strum your guitar and tell me of the lives after death the world believes in
I tell you this and you smile that way at me, your guitar now put behind you
You take me in your arms and the warmth of the sun I revolve around envelopes me
You say, in that way you do, as I relax into your arms - my worries dissolving to the beat of your heart-
"It would not be true paradise if I couldn't share it with you. I will wait for you if I go first."
"I'll wait too. No matter what is true."
"Then we'll be alright in the afterlife, I think. We will be alright."
And somehow I believe you.
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