Mirror, Mirror

When you are a teenager,
Every mirror is a kaleidoscope.
It is rare that you will see just one image of yourself,
But many fragmented pieces staring back at you.
We never know who we are, because what we see isn’t true.

Every image is a different person,
A new version of who you are trying to be.
The cracked and unclear picture, the only thing
You have to go off of.

So, we learn to avoid mirrors.
And duck when we walk by glass
That maybe, just might possibly,
Show a reflection of ourselves. 

Because we are scared of what we see.
That looking glass isn’t what we think it is. 
And once the only view of ourselves is gone,
We have no idea who we are.

That leads to us making it up,
And following the pretty girls at school.
Because they are all we can see.
Our reflection, never true. 
So in turn, we cling to those who we know.
Because the person in the mirror is not who we think we are.




18 years old

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