
Start Scene

Future Della, a girl with black hair cut short, looks up. She does a double take when she realizes that she isn’t in her bedroom. 

She is in a blank, sparse room with nothing in it. She is sitting in a wooden chair.

Future Della

“What the heck? Where am I?”

No one responds. The silence seems deafeningly loud. 

Future Della


Worried, Future Della gets out of her seat and starts walking around. Unfortunately, the room has no one and nothing in it. 

Enter Present Della, looking almost the same, but with shorter hair. She appears in the room with her fingers typing, but stops when she realizes that there is no keyboard. Alarmed, she looks up. 


“What the heck? Where am I?”

Future Della is startled by this, but recovers quickly. 

Future Della



“Who are you?”

Future Della

“Who are you?”


“I’m Della.”

Future Della

“My name is Della too, and we look alike. You look like me when I was younger.”

The two of them stare at each other, momentarily shocked by their revelation. Della clears her throat. 


“Um… why are you blurry? I can’t see anything besides your hair. Everything else is blurred.”

Future Della

“Really? I look fine to me.”

Della stares at Future Della blankly. She just sees a blurred figure with vague colors. On the other hand, Future Della looks down at her hand, which looks perfectly normal to her. Both are confused. 

Future Della

“Oh! I think I understand why.”

Della (shifting from foot to foot)


Future Della

“I’m future you, correct? You’re the past me. However, you can’t see since your future isn’t defined yet. Your choices will affect the future.”

Della contemplates these words, a faraway look in her eyes. 

Future Della

“It makes perfect sense. The reason you can’t see your future self clearly is because you have a blurry future with many possibilities. Seeing a defined fate dampens potential.”

Della (with a sarcastic undertone)

“Wise words.”

Della (with no sarcasm)

“Seriously, however, this is a surreal experience. One minute I was sitting in class doing… actually… I have no idea what I was doing. Anyway, next minute, I was here.”

Future Della (with a smile)

“Some advice, Della, you should take studying seriously. Long term happiness is better than short-term serotonin. Remember, fate doesn’t define you. Your choices do.”

Della contemplates these words, until she hears a voice calling her.

 Faraway Voice

“Della… Della!”

Della opens her eyes and sees an open chromebook in front of her, with an angry looking teacher looming over her. 

End Scene



15 years old

More by EmilyLT

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