Monster boy and I

i befriended the monster today.

i didn't know that he was considered a monster,

most monsters are in storybooks,

they're big and hairy.

he didn't look like any monster i've seen from books like where the wild things are.

he didn't look like one at all.

he had these big doe eyes,

round and shadowed with doubt.

nails bitten off by his own will.

and he had manners,

monsters don't have manners.


i ran into the monster today,

he spilled his drink all over my black dress,

we laughed it off.

monsters don't laugh it off.


i sat next to the monster today,

glares were sent our way,

but he was polite and asked me to stay.

he didn't eat me alive like a monster would.

monsters don't talk to you like a normal human should.


i said hi to the monster in the halls today,

i waved at 7:30 in the morning,

he waved back,

his big doe eyes still shadowed in doubt.

monsters don't have big doe eyes.


when i started to befriend this 'monster boy',

i realized the whole school has got him all wrong.

he's just protective of his being.

monster boy isn't a monster at all.

monster boy is the polite guy with the big doe eyes.

not the big monster that eats your soul alive.

monster boy and i.



13 years old

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