"hi." i say as i walk over to him. "hi." he said as he stared up at the sunset. "pretty, ain't it?" i nod. "looks like gold." he said.
we both sat down on the cement craning our necks up to the sky.
Rain dance
i ran under the outing by the bus stop,, the bus was late,, it was raining,, i was alone,, and i was cold.
what if home is an abstract concept ?
maybe sometimes it looks like something
maybe sometimes it doesn't
but they both have meanings even if you can't see .
bookish girl
A book lover who reads by flashlight and dreams of living in a cottage by the sea,
and running a bookstore with tinted windows and plants spilling down shelves,
My friends
On today of all days
I am alone
Tomorrow I would flyAway from my frozen life
Through the wind, across the moonlit sea
I would rejoice in pastels and fakes