my rights are in a chokehold,
gasping for the air they once were able to breathe in deep.
the air that made them feel so free,
like a bird in the great open sky,
or a puppy full of sweet little dreams.
your trauma is valid even if,
you cannot remember it properly.
your trauma is valid even if,
it has been years since it has happened.
your trauma is valid even if,
crushed little stars that i hold in my hands.
every little star in the dusky night sky,
has a story that collects together.
i hold the stars in my hands,
and count them one by one,
watching the stories unravel.
some stars poke me and leave scars,
my anxious heart.
my anxious heart,
it haunts me when i finally decide to nod off,
whilst my anxious mind whispers old and embarrassing events,
and eventually i am wide awake again,
bug eyed,
and holding the covers above my head.
This Book
There was this book
That I used to read
When I was younger
It talked about all these women
All these women
Who did amazing things
A fun little poem about a sheep that I thought of while jogging
There once was a sheepWho ate grass by the heap
It wandered through shopsIt trotted across streets
Then it happened upon wheatsWhich it devoured in six heavenly feasts