My Head Hurts

Filled with raucous noise

from more than just one voice,

symphonies blaring in my head

and they never seem to end.


My state is in the negatives

from the emotion that peruses me.

How can I achieve my motives

when my soul is undersea?


Even the smallest thought presses down so heavily,

and I feel very restless and heavy.

Please, why can't I just be?




16 years old

More by JayJay

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    Come on,

    just another step.


    Come on,

    just another breath.


    Come on,

    just another swallow

    of the pain that makes you hollow.


    Just one more sweet smile

  • Why I write

    I write to relate,


    and to speak my truth.

    I write to prove I know pain,

    and to see that others do too.


    I write to be heard.


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  • Stuffies

    They're always there when I need them,

    they never run away.

    They're always here when troubles stem

    to hear what I have to say.


    They don't judge 

    or hold a grudge.