Never a Mistake

I’ve been told that loving someone is never a mistake,

That loving someone who couldn’t wasn’t a waste,

That it shows how emotionally mature I am.

But it feels like my heart has stopped beating,

As if it’s been ripped out of my chest,

And replaced with an empty void. 

One that’s slowly made me a little paranoid. 

I’ve thought over every touch, every shared look.

Wondering where it all went wrong.

Wondering when things had changed,

Wondering how I could’ve prevented this pain.

Words replaying in my mind,

Over and over and over and over again.

I loved, with all of my heart,

I thought I knew my feelings were shared.

In the end, though, I loved someone who couldn’t love me.

It felt like a mistake.

It felt like a waste.

Now, though, I’m glad I loved,

As, for me, loving someone is never a waste,

Because it shows how much I cared.



16 years old