The Newest Member

"Where did I put my nuts?" I cry as the parade of daily dogs rolls by "Where could they possibly be?" Growler trots up to my tree, a concerned look on his face "You lose your marbles, Joey?" "NUTS! They're nuts, not marbles" I yell after him as he is tugged toward the fenced-in area by his alien. I continue my act throughout the morning, but not once do Eli or Trixie show their snouts. At 1:37 (quitting time) I call code one last time, and a young-looking guy pulls up by my tree "I found your nuts under the third knot to the left" he says in a quick, unfamiliar crisp accent. Looking him up and down, I ask "Marbles rounded up?" thinking he wouldn't, couldn't know what that meant, but of course, a quick " yes sir, locked in the basement" was the immediate reply. I sigh, reach for the lever, and let the dude in through the visitor hatch.

Posted in response to the challenge Park.



14 years old