
I fear nothing

Not as in I am fearless,

but as in 

I fear it

It’s truly incomprehensible,

it can’t be imagined,

and we’re stuck with the thought of 

thinking about nothing

No space in the world contains nothing

Even the blank space we can’t see

is filled with chemicals and particles

So it may be silly

but I fear the sight of nothing because

it doesn’t exist

The universe has no defined end,

 so what comes after it?


Maybe after we die, there's


Maybe that’s what I fear

I’ll never be sure 

because I am right here

Even so, we are just matter, 

never can be destroyed

Even if our planet 

goes to shambles,

we’ll still matter

Maybe someday I’ll be a star

watching over

Maybe someday we will rearrange

into something better

Maybe those we lost

turned into the flowers

in the front yards that bloom

every spring

Maybe I just have to accept

the nonexistence 

of nothing

There’s nothing for me to fear if


 I fear nothing



13 years old

More by MMSwrites

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  • The glow of the TV

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