October Twelfth

October Twelfth 

The day we got together, 

that was the day I thought we would last forever 

The day I thought I was clever 

Not thinking about how much it would hurt if you left whatsoever


I felt like a flower you picked out of the ground 

I felt like I was your favorite sound 

I felt like I could be the girl you devour 

Instead of feeling like I’ve lost all power 


You’ve got me feeling like a certain color 


Something so bright and powerful but feels so gloomy and mellow 

You’ve got me on a tight rope on two walls of a cave where I can hear my own echo 


The sad part is

I still miss you . . 

I still wish I could kiss you 

I still wish you were in my view 

I still wish you could know what I’m going through 


Your attention isn’t on me anymore 

It’s on your new guy 

He just happened to waltz on by and catch your eye


The only sound now is my body hitting the ground 


I was pushed off that tightrope and ended back at rock bottom

I’m back in this postpartum depression where I hallucinate and think I see you rush in 



13 years old

More by ezzy.66