One more year until you're gone,
One more year before I probably won't see you again,
One more year of our many years of friendship being thrown away,
One more year until I break.
You're almost ready to start the next phase of your life,
of course it's going to be without me,
and it kills me,
God you will never understand how much it kills me that you will leave,
you won't probably ever even know it bothers me that you won't be around,
but I can't stand it.
I know it shouldn't bother me,
I know I shouldn't still love you,
I know you don't care about me,
And I know that I shouldn't cry every time I think about when you will be gone.
But it's only a year,
That's not enough time,
Not enough time to figure out how to let you go,
Not enough time to get you to fall back in love with me,
Not enough time to change your mind and make you stay,
It's just not enough time.
I need you and I won't be able to have you,
I don't know how to fix any of this,
or if there is even anything to fix,
It's just life and I should learn to live with it,
But I can't live without you,
I will be alive,
But being alive in a world that you're not a part of is not living,
Its surviving,
Now the question is will I survive?
Or am I going to be only living in the memories?
Because there will never be enough time.
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