Only day 6

Only day 6

And yet my backpack

Has left bruises in my back

Quizzes and tests

Have been sprung upon me

Only day 6

And yet friendships

Have already started

To weaken and decay

Unwanted comments

Surround me

Only day 6

My mind is already

Stretched and in pain

Fear of failing

Creeps up on me

Homework makes me

Stay up past my limit

Only day 6

My eyes are closing

As I write my poem

My fingers hurt

From gripping a pencil

Only day 6 and










12 years old

More by Gali

  • Each time

    Each time a leaf falls

    Another heart shatters

    Each time the wind blows

    Another break up

    But each time a pumpkin is carved

    A date is planned

    Each time a cider donut is devoured

    Another kiss

  • I Just Really Like You

    Hand in hand we walked down the path, littered with colorful leaves. A gust of wind swirled the leaves around us. Encompassing us in our own little world. I looked up, the trees bent over us with shades of red, orange and yellow.

  • Anxiety

    Tendrils of anxiety 

    Snake out 

    And trap me 

    Opening a hole 

    Where my brain 

    Goes down 

    Finding everything 

    That could go wrong 

    A new crack in me