from our lips
can come the words
that bring hope.
from our lips
can come the words
that say disastor.
one small word
one small sentence
one small paragraph
one big speech
can change lives
from our lips
can cause disastor
can cause mayhem
can cause peace
from our lips
birth the words
of a new begging
words can override
any hit
and make any threat
become empty
from our lips
flow a river
of words
that can change
from our lips
are the chance
to change any soul
and make it turn over
a new leaf
from our lips
anything can come out
but what you choose
to say
is what makes the difference
can come the words
that bring hope.
from our lips
can come the words
that say disastor.
one small word
one small sentence
one small paragraph
one big speech
can change lives
from our lips
can cause disastor
can cause mayhem
can cause peace
from our lips
birth the words
of a new begging
words can override
any hit
and make any threat
become empty
from our lips
flow a river
of words
that can change
from our lips
are the chance
to change any soul
and make it turn over
a new leaf
from our lips
anything can come out
but what you choose
to say
is what makes the difference
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