Parenting Lessons

always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger

never have your wallet visible

don't listen to music in public

everyone's a stranger

you're our child; don't scare us.

study until you can't get it wrong

education will get you places in life

colleges want straight A's and a 1500+ SAT

grades come before leisure

you're our child; don't fail us. 

wear modest clothing when you can

that haircut is a bit too provocative

that battle jacket will draw stares

don't go around asking for attention

you're our child; don't embarrass us. 

know your place in society

you have no reason to be depressed

lower your voice when speaking to me

it's that damn phone again

you're our child; don't anger us.

keep your head high

rise with courage, fall with grace

feed your soul and spirit

go into the world as a functioning adult

you're our child; don't disappoint us. 


Posted in response to the challenge Teenager: In Writing.



16 years old

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