teenager in america
i go to school these days & i'm scared i'll get shot
earbuds always in, trying to drown out my thoughts
fall to the ground, let it all float away
look me in the eyes & i'll believe every lie you say
Parenting Lessons
always carry your keys between your middle and ring finger
never have your wallet visible
don't listen to music in public
everyone's a stranger
you're our child; don't scare us.
you're on your own, kid
i always have been, ever since the label of
"gifted" was mantled above my head in neon letters,
proudly displaying me to a world where
mediocrity was rejected &
To Dream
maybe one day i'll see you
at a class reunion 20 years in the future
you'll have gotten taller than i am in heels
your hair will no longer be curled and bleached but
a lesbian couple on my bus home from school
a man in a punk battle jacket on the street
my mother's female CEO group chat blowing up
four of my teachers taking the following day off
Teenage Delirium (the dictionary)
Blades (noun pl.)
Dear America
Dear America,
When best friends of old
become polite passersby
still give them a smile and let your heart be full
for theirs are broken too
and need to be reminded to mend.