A Pathway of Hope

Bits of sunshine peep through tree branches,

The rays cascading over the glimmering water.

The reflected light forms a pathway,

A trail towards the sun.

It’s a yellow brick road,

Lined with hope and laughter,

Optimism and kindness,

Warming anyone who walks along it from head to toe.

The bright yellow is soothing,

Calming nerves,

Relaxing anxious thoughts,

Breaking down mind barriers.

The light sparkles across the little waves

Rippling through the lake,

Shining at everything around it.

The beams of sun are strong,

But gentle at the same time,

Filling people with hope,

Tearing apart pessimism,

Making you feel loved.

Every glimmer is powerful

Stretching across your mind to protect it,

Making its way into your vision to brighten it,

As bits of sunshine peep through tree branches.




14 years old

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