Eyes flutter open.
The pendulum remains still.
I absorb the ambience around me;
The view from the top of the hill.
Experience. Feel. Comprehend.
The pendulum shifts to the right.
I mimic life’s routine
As the morning comes and goes.
My soul seeks the future;
A matter nobody truly knows.
Plan. Dream. Wonder.
The pendulum pauses, and swings to the left.
In a mere instant
I am lower than low.
There is no outlet to express,
No grasp of a steady flow.
Decompress. Reflect. Breathe.
The pendulum soars to the right; much faster now.
In the midst of a panic
My essence is overcome
By an overwhelming safety
Bringing to life what is numb.
Release. Ease. Carry on.
The pendulum has swayed again.
I am left to myself;
A dangerous state.
My euphoria melts
And hardens into a familiar weight.
Assume. Panic. Collapse.
I cannot see the pendulum.
Just as the blades of a windmill
Merge into an eternal ring
The pendulum’s motions are blurred.
Inevitable: after the mere first swing.
Suddenly, all goes numb
As the demanding day ends.
The pendulum finally slows
After hours of wondering “when?”
Even as I close my eyes
I cannot pinpoint what I desire to find.
Because I have lost sight of a reality
That exists beyond my mind.
Linger. Persist. Endure.
The pendulum halts.
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