Play Plot (revised)

The play takes place in the dungeon of a castle during the Medieval time period. Two prison mates Burkit and Durwin are the main characters. The play starts when the two overhear the prison supervisor say that the king has yet again cut back on expenses to the dungeon; this time cuttung back food. Burkit hates this new arrangement and argues that significant cuts have already been made to the prisoners and none of them deserve it. He then goes on to say how everyone in the dungeon has been punished for minor crimes. Algernon does not budge or care about this and claims their lives are just not important. The self assured humorous character decide its better to break out of the dungeon then deal with the king's intolerable acts. 

He asks his mysterious cell partner Durwin if he wants to come with. To his surprise the quite guy said yes but with one condition; Burkit must never ask what Durwin’s crime was, because it is too horrible for him to speak about. 

Next the play shows Burkit and Durwin’s efforts of stealing the ring of keys for the dungeon and escape, the catch phrase being “thou art a genius!” every time they think up a new idea. The keys are in the pocket of the supervisor, Algernon, who has a horrible temper. The plan is to lure Algernon close enough to the bars of the cell to steal the keys and then escape that night. How ever this proves to be a difficult task, and very amusing. 

however their efforts seemed to have failed and they give up. They sit in the cell and  Durwin says he did something horrible- and confesses he found a golden hair pin and kept it, but it was the queens. He confesses he still has it on him. Burkit then proclaims they will escape and reveals he is a burglar that stole break from the kitchen, and can pick locks.

Burkit skillfully uses the stolen pin to open his cell. Durwin asks about the others and Burkit begrudgingly agrees, having a change of heart from earlier. Algernon frantically calls for a search to find the escaped prisoners but is unable to find them.

The play ends with the two congratulating each other, then going off to steal cake, using the pin as a key, the last line being 'thou art a genious' 



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