Practically A Winter Wonderland

     I step outside and my breath immediately catches.  It's beautiful.  We must have had a heavy snowfall last night.  That's the only way that the darkness could bring us such beautiful scenery.  I mean, the ground literally looks like it's shimmering!  And somehow the sky found a way to be beautiful blue while also sprinkling down delicate, intricate snowflakes, like the ones that they show in children's books or films.  They look like paper cut outs!  And the trees are lucky enough to be covered in the so-perfect-they-look-fake snowflakes.  The snow is the whitest I have ever seen, white as a blank piece of drawing paper.  And sticking out of that beautiful white blanket are small red berries that are clinging to dark hunter green stems.    It's magnificent.  Gorgeous.  Breathtaking.  It practically looks like a winter wonderland. 



14 years old

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