Recent big-foot sightings

Recently hikers on the Appalachian Trail have been seeing an unidentified creature. They say it's too big to be a bear, but the problem is there isn't anything bigger than a bear in the area. The photos we have are too blurry to make out what it is so our best information is from what the hikers are telling us. Also apparently they've seen big footprints around, and the pictures don't look fake, so we know the creature is real. The footprints don't match with any other animal except a human, but no human’s foot is that big, the only explanation is that it's BigFoot. If you're a Hiker on the Appalachian Trail make sure to watch out for large creatures with big feet.

Posted in response to the challenge Bigfoot.



14 years old

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  • Recent big-foot sightings

    recently hikers on the appalachion trail have been seeing an unidentified creature. they say it's too big to be a bear but, the problem is there isn't anything bigger than a bear in the area.